Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 15th and the Sun is out!

Early mornig sunrise garden adventures are my favorite.  A hot cup of coffee and the looming beauty of the garden draws me out of bed every morning. 
The rain has finally let up for the past few days and the sun is shining, my garden really needed it.   I have been out of school for almost a week and have been waiting for the sun to do some major garden work.  That will be my focus this next week, pictures to follow.  Here are some from the garden and other freshness from Hawaii!

Some fresh eggs from our friends!

Cilantro pot, one of my favorites in the garden.

Japanese eggplant, ready for a space in the garden.

Japanese cucumbers!

Some many beautiful yellow flowers on the cucumber trellis.

And of course, I love orchids and have about 30 plants.  This one is on the way into my house on the deck, So beautiful!

"Acknowledging all the good that is already in your life is the foundation for all abundance.  See the fullness of life all around you.  The warmth of the sun, the magnificent flowers, succulent fruits and vegetables, or the water falling from the sky.  The fullness of life is there at every step."
~Eckhart Tolle

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